Thursday, June 23, 2005


Selling Sillibilli

Andrew Landeryou has an interesting take on this article in the Australian, that outlines a plan by Melbourne's richest businessmen to set up a Prime Minsterial home in Melbourne.

The Businessmen including Linday Fox, Solly Lew, Michael Kroger and Jeff Kennet reckon that Melbourne town's going backwards because John Howard's too Sydney centric, spending all his time in Sillibilli.

Mr. Landeryou's take is that it's corruption. But is it? If it becomes a Commonwealth property, managed by the Commonwealth then it will be available to all future PMs also. So really its just trying to ensure a level of even handedness.

The fact of the matter is that having Sillibilli as PM Central does give Sydney an advantage over all other state capitals, and that'd be OK if all the other capitals were happy with it. But they're not.

So really. Its either buy a Prime Ministerial residence in each state capital, or sell Sillibilli.

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