Tuesday, March 08, 2005
The Age newspaper continues again today its ongoing campaign to unseat the Victoran Bracks Labor government.
In an shocking expose The Age highlights the amazing cozy deals approved by state Treasurer John Brumby. The deals relate to the Synchrotron project or the 'Stink'rotron and we like to call it hear at the City. Consider these remarkable facts concerning Synchrotron boss Max Rodgers:
Note: 3000 character limit on comments In an shocking expose The Age highlights the amazing cozy deals approved by state Treasurer John Brumby. The deals relate to the Synchrotron project or the 'Stink'rotron and we like to call it hear at the City. Consider these remarkable facts concerning Synchrotron boss Max Rodgers:
- Rogers in a previous role, failed to win the Olympics for Melbourne - Unforgivable
- Rogers has had his contract as Syncro-Supremo renewed twice now. No one else has been able to have a turn - Unfair
- One of Rogers' roles is to obtain private funding - But the British only have 10% funding. Clearly its impossible to get more than 10% - Unbelievable.
Julian Kennelly spokesman for the Union of Unproductive Plodders said, "We reckon for the money they're coughing up for Rodgers, we could have a whole department of people employed to sharpen pencils, we can't stand to see such a waste of public money as this so-called Labor government seems to accept"
Why, we ask, doesn't the Bracks government get serious about the Synchrotron? We suggesst the following:
- Have a 'Synchroton council' with members appointed by various Labor Unions, Community Groups, and Electronics Enthusiasts with the boss appointed on a rotating basis every 3 months.
- Shift the location of the Synchrotron to the MCG - It is the right shape! - Let the Public get to see what they're spending their money on.
- Offer naming rights (say 'Crazy John's' Synchro-thingo) , work up merchandising sales, T-Shirts, Games, bring out a CD featuring John Farnham ("I've been watching the beams go 'round and 'round")
The possibilities are endless, and unless the Bracks government starts listening to people who know what they're talking about, they're in big trouble.