Thursday, March 10, 2005


Embassy Terror Horror in Malaysia

It was Terror Alert Level Orange yesterday at the Australia High Commission in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. Shocked Australian diplomats in the virtually impregnable fortress like compound had their eyes brutally torn from the Television screen (Daryl's Dancing with the Stars was showing) , as they cast their gaze outside to where they thought they heard a bang.

Australia's most popular newspaper, The Herald Sun confirms the horror, and we summarize the facts for you here:

A DFAT spokesman said. "We are going to seek a briefing from the Malaysian police". Too right they'll be seeking a briefing. They'll be demanding answers, and they'll get them to. They don't call us the Deputy Sherriff for nothing y'know.

We'll report back to you when we know more.

Rex - signing off from The City : Always first with the Terror Horror!

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